Sunday, July 5, 2020

2020 Reboot

Getting back into blogging after many years, not only takes remembering your password to log in (thankfully my computer knows it) but so much more. I have decided that this might be my new avenue and outlet during such a crazy time, that which is the year 2020. So much has happened in the past 4 years since my last post. We have moved to another state, built a brand new house, started several home improvement projects and celebrated many joyous occasions. I think I will spend the next few days/post updating on the birthday parties we have had, since let's face it, party planning is my heart. Then I can fill you in on our current home and home improvement projects. 

Our boys have birthdays in April and October which allow several months of planning in between. The last party I wrote about was Carson's Paw Patrol Party for his second birthday. Since then, we have had superheroes, dinosaurs, golf, and Nerf parties for him. Camden's last party on the blog was his 6th birthday Scooby-Doo party and since that we have had Star Wars, Minions, Minecraft, and Titanic themes. As you can see we've been busy and having a lot of well rounded themed fun.

As I sit here writing and you continue to read, I am sure you are aware that we are currently in a global pandemic. Our local schools closed March 12, 2020 and did not reopen for the remainder of the year. Talks are currently going on now as to what the upcoming school year will look like. In an effort to create some memories for my children and maintain my sanity, my friend Toni and I have been planning theme nights for our families. It has been so fun and refreshing while being confined to our homes. Toni is a lot like me in the party planning sense and we often joke about creating some sort of business together. Writing this blog again might be our ticket to embarking on that path. Stay tuned for posts about these fun theme nights and how you can recreate these fun memories for your families.

(Porch photo from Weatherford Photography)

So if you are still reading this after all my rambling, I hope you and your families are staying healthy. Come back soon for lots of party ideas, product posts, and updates on what we have been doing to keep ourselves busy. 

Michelle :)

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